Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) on Brotherhood:Homage to Claudius Ptolemy by Octavio Paz
15 Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) on Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth
1. The poem 'Brotherhood' was written by
(a) William Wordsworth
(B) H.W. Longfellow
(C) I. Robert Browning
(D) Octavio Paz √
2. In the poem "Brotherhood', the sky is covered with
(A) mist
(B) stars √
(C) cloud
(D) sunlight
3. In 'Brotherhood', the poet looks up at
(A) his own shadow
(B) his own creation
(C) the forest
(D) the stars √
4. The poet in the poem 'Brotherhood' feels that the night is
(A) small
(B) enormous √
(C) very small
(D) forest
5. In Brotherhood', the poet's life on earth is for a
(A) long period
(B) short period √
(C) night
(D) none of these
6. In the poem 'Brotherhood', the poet stands
(A) in the churchyard
(B) in the forest
(C) under the night sky √
(D) upon a bridge
7. The poet's life is
(A) transitory √
(B) significant
(C) glorious
(D) long
8. The poet marvels at
(A) his glory
(B) the enormous night √
(C) his significance
(D) none of these
9. 'Brottierhood' means
(A) fraternity √
(B) enmity
(C) friendship
(D) association
10. Here man' refers to
(A) male
(B) human being √
(C) not woman
(D) important person
11. Here night' suggests
(A) blackness
(B) evil
(C) misdeed
(D) the universe √
12. 'Little means here
(A) for a short period √
(B) long
(C) infinite
(D) small
13. Last' means
(A) Lust
(B) live √
(C) loss
(D) wait
14. 'Enormous' here means
(A) large
(B) small
(C) very small
(D) extremely large √
15. The first line ‘I am a man: little do I last’ of the poem ‘Brotherhood’, highlights
(A) the temporal-existential predicament of man √
(B) man’s life after death
(C) man’s supreme position as the lord of the universe
(D) greatness of man as a creature
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