The price of Bananas | Mulk Raj Anand | Part 2 | Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Class 9

 The price of Bananas  | Mulk Raj Anand | Part 2 | Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Class 9

The price of Bananas  | Mulk Raj Anand | Part 2 | Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Class 9

The Price of Banaras 

Mulk Raj Anand 

15 Very Important Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) on The Price of Bananas by Mulk Raj AnandTick () the correct answer from the given alternatives : 


1. The author was waiting at Faizabad railway station on

(A) winter morning

(B) rainy day

(C) summer day 

(D) wintry evening


2. In the train the author got a

(A) window seat 

(B) middle seat

(C) birth

(D) broken seat


3. The author's seat in the railway compartment was by a/an 

(A) window 

(B) door

(C) toilet 

(D) engine  


4. As a result of the rising heat of the summer,

(A) the monkeys stopped frolicking

(B) all the passengers started sweating 

(C) mango stones were found on the platform 

(D) the neem tree was of flowers

5. A monkey snatched the loincloth of 

(A) a vendor

(B) a pious person 

(C) a businessman

(D) the narrator


6. The monkey returned the man's lion when the man

(A) beat the monkey

(B) gave the monkey a pair of bananas

(C) threw an anna towards the monkey

(D) he was playing hide and seek 


7. By the incident the pious man

(A) was embarrassed

(B) had a great deal of amusement 

(C) was generous

(D) was angry


8. The monkey jumped at Sethji's cap from the 

(A) neem tree

(B) tamarind tree

(C) top of the compartment 

(D) shed of the platform

9. The colour of Sethji's dhoti was

(A) red

(B) blue

(C) white 

(D) grey


10. Which one of the following was not among the porter's luggage?

(A) steel trunk

(B) buckets 

(C) baskets

(D) brass jug

11. Sethji's luggage was being carried by

(A) the fruit vendor

(B) a monkey

(C) a porter 

(D) Sethji himself

12. the businessman shouted at the porter

(A) to go slow

(B) to go faster 

(C) to run

(D) to go at a moderate pace

13. te monkey snatched  away the businessman's

(A) cap 

(B) luggage

(C) tunic

(D) basket

14. Sethji's luggage included a/an

(A) earthen pitcher

(B) water bottle

(C) steel bucket

(D) a brass jug 

15. The gentleman's face was covered with

(A) shame

(B) embarrassment

(C) beams of delight

(D) sweat 

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