The Blind Boy
Colley Cibber
Textual Exercise
Activity 1
Tick (√) the correct alternative:
(a) In the poem, ‘I’ refers to
(i) the blind boy
(ii) the sun
(iii) the light
(b) The blind boy cannot enjoy the blessings of
(i) taste
(ii) sight
(iii) speech
(c) The blind boy identifies the sun by its
(i) shape
(ii) light
(iii) warmth
(d) The boy is
(i) happy
(ii) sad
(iii) angry
Activity 2
Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
(a) The poor blind boy wants to know what the blessing of the sight is.
(b) The blind boy feels the difference between day and night by playing and sleeping.
(c) The boy often hears mournings about his hapless woe from his nearest one.
(d) The boy does not want his cheer of mind to be destroyed.
Activity 3
Answer the following question:
Whom do you think the blind boy is speaking to?
Ans.> According to me, the boy is speaking to his nearest or dearest one. Probably, he or she is his father or mother or someone other on whom the blind boy depends a lot.
Activity 4
Fill in the chart with information from the text. One is done for you:
Blind Person | Person with vision |
(a) twenty four hours of night | twenty four hours of day and night |
(b) only feels the warmth of the sun | sees the sun and feels its warmth |
(c) plays and sleeps according to his own will | plays during day and sleeps at night |
(d) doesn’t realize the loss of sight | realizing the loss of sight, laments for the blind person |
Activity 5
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
(a) What would happen if the blind boy kept awake?
Ans.> If the blind boy kept awake, it would be always day for him though it was night.
(b) What does the blind boy bear with patience?
Ans.> The blind boy bears with patience a loss of his life that he never knows.
(c) Why does the blind boy think that he is a king?
Ans.> In any case, the blind boy cannot have his cheer of mind destroyed. For this reason, he sings and thinks that he is a king.
(d) Quote any two lines from the poem that suggest that the boy has a positive attitude towards life.
Ans.> “Then let not what I cannot have
My cheer of mind destroy;”
Activity 6(a)
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles or prepositions:
There was once a little girl who lived in the middle of a deep, dark forest with her parents.
Activity 6(b)
Classify the nouns given below and place them in the proper columns:
Common Noun | Abstract Noun |
day boy light | patience loss sight |
Activity 7(a)
Add a suitable prefix or suffix to each of the words given in brackets and fill in the blanks accordingly:
(i) My brother spent many sleepless (sleep) nights when I was unwell.
(ii) I was impatient (patient) to know the result of my examination.
(iii) It was an enjoyable (enjoy) moment.
(iv) The brightness (bright) of the day made me happy.
Activity 7(b)
Write the antonyms of the following words:
(i) Poor: Rich
(ii) Warm: Cold
(iii) Awake: Asleep
(iv) Destroy: Create
Activity 8(b)
Develop a story within sixty words based on the following hints. Add a suitable title to it:
an old lady loses vision -- calls in a doctor -- agrees to pay a large fee if cured -- doctor removes some of her furniture daily -- lady is cured -- she refuses to pay -- says she cannot see any of her furniture
A Blind Old Lady
Once upon a time, there lived an old lady in a town. She loses her vision, unfortunately. So, she calls a doctor for treatment of her eyes. She agrees to pay a large fee if she is cured. The doctor starts treatment of her eyes. The dishonest doctor removes some of her furniture daily. When the lady is cured, she refuses to pay the doctor because she cannot see any of her furniture.
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Do Practice this Story, Grammatical Questions, and Answers yourself. You will definitely score an excellent result.
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