Tick (✔) the correct alternative: Multiple Choice Questions:
Tick (✔) the correct alternative:
The Snail by William Cowper
1. The snail sticks to the surface -
(a) lightly
(b) heavily
(c) closely (√)
(d) fearfully
2. The snail seems to have grown together with his -
(a) car
(b) house (√)
(c) dress
(d) body
(3) The snail does not fear to-
(a) climb
(b) fall (√)
(c) stick
(d) eat
4. A snail sticks to -
(a) only grass
(c) only leaf
(c) only fruit or wall
(d) all of these places (√)
5. Inside his house the snail feels -
(a) protected (√)
(b) insecure
(c) confused
(d) angry
6. The house here refers to the snail's -
(a) horns
(b) body
(c) nest
(d) shell (√)
7. At the time of danger the snail- -
(a) sings
(b) cats
(c) hides (√)
(d) dances
8. The danger of snail comes from -
(a) animals
(b) little boys
(c) diseases
(d) weather (√)
9. The snail hides himself at the time of -
(a) danger (√)
(b) pleasure
(c) displeasure
(d) sorrow
10. The snail shrinks when one touches its- -
(a) tell
(b) body
(c) horn (√)
(d) shell
11. The snail has the power of -
(a) self-devotion
(b) self-destruction
(c) self-collection (√)
(d) self-denial
12. When the snail's horn is touched the snail feels- --
(a) happy
(b) jealous
(c) kingly
(d) annoyed (√)
13. With the touch on its horm the snail shrinks into his- -
(a) hole
(b) nest
(c) room
(d) house
14. The snail dwells- -
(a) with friends
(b) with family
(c) with cousins
(d) alone (√)
15. For a snail a storm is a matter of- -
(a) blessing
(b) curse
(c) danger (√)
(d) joy
16. The only treasure of snail is -
(a) chattel
(b) himself (√)
(c) his shel
(d) his horn
17. Without having any wealth the snail is -
(a) dissatisfied
(b) displeased
(c) contented (√)
(d) sad
18. For shrinking into his house with displeasure the snail needs -
(a) heavy touch
(b) lightest touch (√)
(c) painful touch
(d) forceful touch
19. The snail hides for security when any danger- -
(a) comes near (√)
(b) is far away
(c) trouble him
(d) is not possible
20. The snail leads the life like- -
(a) blind person
(b) king
(c) hermit (√)
(d) beggar